Female plastic and visual artists in 20th century Mexico. An approach to regional art and genre


  • Sandra Villanueva Arias Universidad de Guanajuato




Guanajuato artists, feminism in art, regional art, 20th century Mexican art


The purpose of this study is to higlight, recognize and value the professional development of female artists of the 20th century, in the State of Guanajuato, Mexico. It synthesizes the training of these artists from the plastic to the visual and the thematic lines along which they worked , as well as considering their experiences in the art market. It also includes some intrinsic evidence of the reasons why the work of female artists is almost completely absent from the main local and national galleries and museums, and from the national historical studies carried out on regional art.


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Author Biography

Sandra Villanueva Arias, Universidad de Guanajuato

Investigador (División de Arquitectura, Artes y Diseño)


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How to Cite

Villanueva Arias, S. (2021). Female plastic and visual artists in 20th century Mexico. An approach to regional art and genre. EMBLECAT, Estudis De La Imatge, Art I Societat, 1(10), pp. 189–210. https://doi.org/10.56349/emblecat.184