Medianeras or the Loneliness of the City
urban loneliness, cine, architecture, new technologies, communication, Medianeras, Taretto, soledad urbana, arquitectura, nuevas tecnologías, comunicación, soledat urbana, noves tecnologies, comunicacióAbstract
The subject of urban loneliness is not new for the cinema. What is new is its presentation in a contemporary society where the use of new communication media, especially the Internet, monopolises many interpersonal relationships. In this paper we do a visual analysis of the film Medianeras (Argentina, Gustavo Taretto, 2011), studying how this feeling of loneliness is represented and the role of the communication media in the relationships between the characters. Owing to the special connection with the architecture of the city, the visual narration becomes a key to placing the main characters in a hostile environment, which can only be relieved by human contact.
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