Manuscrits hebreus catalans del segle XIV: les Haggadot de Pessah

Catalan Hebrew manuscripts from the 14th century: the Pessah’s Haggadot


  • Sílvia Angelet Gimeno Universitat de Barcelona


Judaisme medieval, haggadah, memòria, didàcticade la imatge, identitat, Medieval Judaism, Image Didactics, Identity


In this article, the Jewish miniatures produced in Catalonia during the Middle Ages are analysed. We start from the basis of the didactic aim of images in mediaeval illuminated manuscripts to understand their uses in a non-iconic tradition. Through the Catalan Haggadot visual programme, it is possible to recover their memory beyond historical data; their iconography and composition, information such as the visual culture of Hebrew communities, their traditions, their relations with Christian communities and their identityare all put under the microscope.


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How to Cite

Angelet Gimeno, S. (2016). Manuscrits hebreus catalans del segle XIV: les Haggadot de Pessah: Catalan Hebrew manuscripts from the 14th century: the Pessah’s Haggadot. EMBLECAT, Estudis De La Imatge, Art I Societat, (5), 35–60. Retrieved from



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