Mariano Andreu. From the sketch or idea to the finished work




Mariano Andreu, 20th century Catalan art, drawing, painting


Achieving expressiveness and rhythm in the bodies of his characters and capturing an environment consistent with his tastes and hobbies in the works he created became a goal for Mariano Andreu to achieve. The present study intends to approach his creative process through the selection of a sketch or a drawing, which he will repeat as if it were a model in both the drawings and the paintings, sometimes as an isolated theme and others as a detail in a great composition.


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Archivo Fotográfico Mariano Andreu (AFMA)

AFMA. 1920-1930. Recopilación de fotografías.

AFMA. 1930-1940. Recopilación de fotografías.

AFMA. 1940-1950. Recopilación de fotografías.

Archivo Documental Mariano Andreu (ADMA)

ADMA 1920-1930. Cuaderno de esbozos.

ADMA 1930. Doc. núm. 402 del British Museum.

ADMA 1931. Invitación y menú de la centa en el Hotel George V de París en honor al Maréchal Lyautey (Commissaire général de Danemark).


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How to Cite

García-Portugués, E. (2023). Mariano Andreu. From the sketch or idea to the finished work. EMBLECAT, Estudis De La Imatge, Art I Societat, 1(12), p. 71–92.


