The symbols of the vegetal ornamentation and the pharmaceutical emblems in the decoration of Novellas & Bolós' Modernist pharmacy in Barcelona
ornamentació vegetal, emblema farmacèutic, Modernisme, farmàcia Novellas/Bolós, Barcelona, ornamentación vegetal, emblema farmacéutico, Modernismo, farmacia Novellas/Bolós, ornamentation vegetable, pharmaceutical emblem, Modern Style, pharmacy Novellas/BolósAbstract
The old pharmacy modernist Novellas (today Bolós) of Barcelona was inaugurated the year 1902 by the projection and direction of the brothers Falguera. His founding owner, Antoni Novellas described in his reports the creation and ornamentation of his establishment. The present owner of the pharmacy, Jordi Bolós, possesses this document and conserves in an excellent state the modernist decoration. This writing allows us to realize an interpretation of the diverse symbols of vegetable pharmacological ornamentation and emblems of the pharmaceutical science. It is a clear example of how the owner of the establishment was orientating the designer's decorators the ornamentation to representing, adding the symbolic relief inside the context of ends of the 19th century and beginning of the 20th.
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