Settanta Panini a Roma (1985), by Harald v Uccello
An approach to Cesare Pavese’s work through a cinematographic itinerary
muntatge, memòria, lloc, temps, montaje, memoria, lugar, tiempo, montage, memory, site, timeAbstract
This article analyses the film Settanta Panini a Rome (1985), by the Austrian director Harald v Uccello, and investigates the relations posed by the film with the thought of the Italian writer Cesare Pavese, through the scenes, the composition of the images and the construction of a route. The analysis studies different aspects of the fact of creating, aswell as the author, the generation of the thinking and the interpretation of the landscape. The article puts some thoughts of Pavese into dialogue with the scenes of the film, as well as exploring the idea of the path in the works of both authors.
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