Bachiacca, Michelangelo and the Teste Divine

two examples in the Gemäldegalerie, Berlin


  • Eloi de Tera Universitat de Barcelona


Bachiacca, Miguel Ängel, Gemäldegalerie, presentation drawings, Miquel Ângel, Michelangelo


This paper analyses the relation of the so-called  presentation drawings by Michelangelo to the work of sixteenth-century Florentine painter, Bachiacca. Taking the example of his two works in the Gemäldegalerie in Berlin, the assimilation of the drawings of Michelangelo and his own myth in these works is discussed. Similarly, through these two examples, the role of presentation drawings as elements for learning disegno for artists of the sixteenth century is studied.


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How to Cite

de Tera, E. (2014). Bachiacca, Michelangelo and the Teste Divine: two examples in the Gemäldegalerie, Berlin. EMBLECAT, Estudis De La Imatge, Art I Societat, (3), 35–50. Retrieved from



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