Mariano Andreu. The landscape, reality and fantasy




Mariano Andreu, 20th century art, landscape, Catalan artist


The line that separates reality from fantasy in Mariano Andreu’s landscapes is very fine. Although it is true that, at first, he tried to depict landscapes which resembled as closely as possible what a photograph would capture, as the artist asserted himself as a painter, fantasy broke into his palette with considerable force. Sometimes it would be in the use of colour and at other times it would be in the form, influenced by his way of seeing and incorporating the avant-garde.


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Author Biography

Esther Garcia-Portugués, ArsNostrum

PhD in Art History

Historian and Art Critic (ACCA and AICA)


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How to Cite

Garcia-Portugués, E. (2022). Mariano Andreu. The landscape, reality and fantasy . EMBLECAT, Estudis De La Imatge, Art I Societat, 1(11), p. 105–132.

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