The Museo Carmen Thyssen Málaga inaugurates ‘Real {ismos}’

a tour of the most advanced Spanish figurative art of the years twenty thirty




Museo Carmen Thyssen, Málaga, Realisms, 20th century art, exhibition


It is a critic report that includes the opening of the exhibition 'Real {ismes}. New figurations in Spanish art between 1918 and 1936 at the Carmen Thyssen Museum in Malaga on April 4, 2022, as well as the most relevant texts by the exhibition's curators published in the exhibition catalogue. In addition to making reference to traveling exhibition promoted three years ago by the Network of Art Museums of Catalonia entitled Realism(s) in Catalonia 1917-1936. From classic Picasso to surrealist Dalí, curated by Mariona Seguranyes. On that occasion, the exhibition traveled from the Maricel Museum in Sitges (from July 4 to October 13, 2019) to the Valls Museum (from October 25 to January 19) to finish the journey to the Garrotxa Museum in Olot (from February 1 to May 31, 2020).


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Author Biography

Esther Garcia-Portugués, ArsNostrum

Phd Art History

Art Crític (ACCA-AICA)


García Menéndez, B. i Gil, Alberto (2022), Real(ismos). Nuevas figuraciones en el arte español entre 1918 y 1936, (cat.exp.), Málaga, Museo Carmen Thyssen, 2022.

Garcia-Portugués, Esther (2020), «El Realisme a Catalunya en les primeres dècades del segle XX.. Sitges, Valls i Olot», Emblecat. Estudis de la imatge, art i societat, núm.9, Barcelona, Emblecat Edicions, 2020, p. 173-180.

Seguranyes Bolaños, Mariona (2019), Realisme(s) a Catalunya, 1917-1936. Del Picasso clàssic al Dalí surrealista, (cat.exp.) Consorci del Patrimoni de Sitges, Museu de la Garrrotxa, Olot, Museu de Valls, Xarxa de Museus d’Art de Catalunya, 2019.



How to Cite

Garcia-Portugués, E. (2022). The Museo Carmen Thyssen Málaga inaugurates ‘Real {ismos}’: a tour of the most advanced Spanish figurative art of the years twenty thirty. EMBLECAT, Estudis De La Imatge, Art I Societat, 1(11), p. 191–200.



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